
What are the causes of strong pain in the front

Often people are concerned about severe back pain, the causes of which can hide in the most unexpected diseases. Normal pancreatitis can lead to pain and partial immobility, and what can we say about diseases of the spine that remain often undetected for a long time. It is necessary to fully understand the possible causes of discomfort in the lumbar region and determine which doctor should be contacted for examination.

If we separate the causes of pain in the back of men and women, it turns out that the fair sex can have a number of diseases of the genitourinary system, uncharacteristic of the strong half of humanity.

So, depending on the age of the woman and the symptoms, the following causes of pain in the lower back are distinguished:

Gynecological diseases. Inflammation of the appendages is often felt in the back and lower back pain. If in combination with such feelings after the time there are strong pains in the lower abdomen, then it is necessary to turn to the gynecologist buy tramadol 100mg.

Pregnancy. The pain in the lumbar region is often regarded by girls as a prerequisite for the onset of menstruation. But in case of delay it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. If pregnancy occurs with complications or a period of more than 30 weeks, back pain signals a threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Climax. At this time there is a decrease in the level of estrogens in the blood, which causes a violation of blood circulation in the small pelvis. Such a symptomatology is expressed in traumatic pains in the lower back, which is often taken for kidney disease. If a woman has noticed the first signs of menopause, she should undergo a full examination with a gynecologist and take appropriate medication to maintain her normal state.

It should be noted that during the examination during menopause, women can not detect pathology. But in the presence of severe pain in the back, you need to turn to the neurologist and vertebrologist, since the cause can be hidden in the presence of a hernia or osteochondrosis.

Painful sensations in men: causes and symptoms

Pain in a man in the lumbar region is often associated with the presence of osteochondrosis, provoked by work: heavy lifting or long stay in a static position (driver or office worker).

But the more dangerous diseases associated with the genitourinary system also stand out. So, for example, the disease of the testicles (epididymitis) or prostatitis may have symptoms, expressed by pain in the groin, the anus and irradiating into the lower back. If there is a fever, discomfort during urination or during ejaculation, a man should contact a urologist and undergo a thorough examination.

Strong low back pain is of a different nature. They can be periodic and constant. Periodic pain, as a rule, is expressed after prolonged physical activity and as a result of inflammatory diseases of the internal organs. If you have been doing manual labor for a long time and felt pain and stiffness, take a horizontal position, lie on your stomach and relax. In a few minutes the pain will subside and you will be able to continue to lead a familiar lifestyle. Otherwise, discomfort signals inflammatory processes and diseases of internal organs.

In inflammatory processes and diseases of the spine, the pain is permanent and slightly recedes only after taking pain medications. The causes of such discomfort are found in the following diseases:

Intervertebral osteochondrosis is a disease caused by destruction of intervertebral discs and damage to cartilaginous tissue. The pain appears with each movement, where after the change of position, partial relief is observed.

It should be noted that the intervertebral osteochondrosis may not manifest itself as unpleasant symptoms for a long time, therefore the patient learns of his disease already at a complicated stage, which is expressed in:

Sciatica leading to squeezing of the sciatic nerve, which causes pain in the back of the thigh; Radiculitis, provoked by inflammation of the nerve roots of the spine; Add to the pain lack of sensitivity and partial or complete loss of motor activity; Protrusion, consisting in protrusion of the intervertebral disc, which is characterized by complete grinding of the cartilaginous tissue on one side; Lumbar hernia - the most severe stage of osteochondrosis, to the appearance of which leads protrusion; In addition to pain, a person loses motor activity.

Treatment of osteochondrosis is a complex measure based on the removal of pain, inflammation and restoration of the former motor activity. Sometimes a set of measures on time can take from six months to several years. Therefore, at the first sign of such symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

Scoliosis is the cause of pain in the lumbar region, which can manifest itself several years after the onset of development. Scoliosis is expressed in the deformation of the spine, so the patient will experience discomfort throughout the vertebral column. Perhaps "self-diagnosis" of the presented disease. If you experience pain in the back and waist after a long stay, sitting at the table, then you can say about the presence of scoliosis, although an accurate examination requires an appropriate examination.

Spondylosis is a natural age-related change and impaired mobility of the joints. The presented disease is associated with the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue and the intervertebral disc. To protect yourself from such manifestations, it is necessary to regularly use vitamins and chondroprotectors after reaching the age of 40 years.

Rheumatoid arthritis is often a consequence of menopause in women. There is inflammation of the joints with the involvement of muscles and ligaments. Men are also susceptible to this disease. It should be noted that the reason presented is not due to age-related changes, because it can be caused by immune disorders of the body that occur at any age.

Osteoporosis. With age, doctors can diagnose a person's calcium leaching. Such changes lead to severe pain in the lumbar region, because it has all the burden of the musculoskeletal system.

Thrombophlebitis is a rather dangerous disease, as it can lead to a blockage of the veins and subsequent complications in the form of a thrombus rupture, in some cases leading to death. If the patient feels severe pain and after taking a rest position the pain does not subside, it is necessary to see a doctor and undergo a thorough examination. Such blockage of veins can lead to varicose veins of the legs and loss of motor activity of the lower limbs.

This is only a small part of the reasons that can lead to severe pain in the lumbar region. Stitching and sharp pains are often triggered by a sharp rise in weight or for a long time in an uncomfortable position. This symptomatology gives the first signal about the destruction of intervertebral discs and the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process.