
How the brain works and how to improve its performance

How the brain works and how to improve its performance

Intelligence - is the ability to adapt means to the goal. Binet

How the brain works is not in terms of physiology and psychology of thought processes? Quite a lot is written about it, is responsible for what the right and left hemisphere of the brain, a lot of tips and tricks to cheap adderall online without prescription stimulate thinking, like such: "Every time to get to work by different routes", "Change working hand if you are right handed - use your left hand, and Conversely, "" Solve puzzles, play puzzle games, chess, for example, "etc. However, why do these things not explained, it seems obvious for granted. Knowing how a person thinks, there is an opportunity to understand what resources exist to stimulate thinking at every stage of the brain.

How to start a thinking activity? To think, we should be "what to think", ie information. Thinking - is, in fact, the manipulation of available information. As comes to us this information?

1. Initially, the person perceives all that he knows at the level of the senses - that is, All information at this point is a touch, this is what we see, hear, we feel. This information is stored, which can safely be considered "the totality of information acquired by the brain and control behavior." The higher the concentration of attention on sensory perceptions, the more information comes to memory. As a rule, care is enhanced when we need something interesting - for example, all new. It is therefore recommended to go to work, to the store a new, unfamiliar road. Otherwise there is a risk to live on the machine when the brain goes to sleep, or work only on their 5%. Touch the type of information stored in memory is very short time, because this information comes very much, and brain as it is necessary to separate a priority on less important. In order to sensory information transferred into long-term memory is necessary to:

2. To the various properties of objects formed in the overall picture, image. For example, cat - a small meow, furry pet. Thus, the form of the concept, abstract images, which in the future the human brain operates. The concepts are the abbreviations in which we cover, according to their general properties, many different sensible things. Engels is why to remember what he heard the phone number or name of a new acquaintance, you need to auditory and visual information imagine figuratively - has something to do with a person's appearance, meeting the circumstances, etc.

Classification - is a meaningful order of things, phenomena and their division into species according to some important features. Once formed the concept, they can begin to share the means and objectives - a very important point in the improvement of mental activity. Moreover, depending on circumstances, the different concepts can be any means, for any purpose.

3. Next, the concept, the image is attached to the personal sense: Cat lover - is a source of positive emotions for the person who has an allergy to them - quite the contrary.

4. Due to stock certain concepts and giving them personal meaning, a person begins to build a logical mental operations. The logical or abstract mental operations that are naturally occurring in the adult brain, preceded by specific operations - is when children collect-assort toys, not just toys :) strongly manipulate specific objects. First you need to do these steps in practice, and only then can move on to the "theory", otherwise how do we ensure that the way it is? .. With the help of mental operations performed penetration deep into the problems of the target, we study the properties of objects (not necessarily located in front of the eyes ) that make up the problem (not necessarily located in front of the eyes), and is the solution of (primarily in the mind, and only then realized in practice).

5. The judgment reflects the relationship between objects and phenomena, says something or denies it. The more links established between various objects, the greater the likelihood that available from a variety of find the right solution to the problem. That is why during the brainstorming recommend nominate albeit fantastic, impossible ways of solving the problem, such as "will arrive suddenly a magician in the blue helicopter and free cinema show." 5.1 Judgments do not necessarily contain a comparison, although it happens quite often. If someone says, "I'm selfish," - you can ask, "Who said that?" If he replied, "I" or some authoritative person, you can express the question: "Using a yardstick, you (he ) decided (s) that you are selfish? 'Judgments include analysis, which means the dismemberment (breaking) of the object into its component parts or properties. As well as the synthesis - the process of connecting or combining previously disparate properties or concepts in whole or kit. Synthesis is inseparable from the analysis, and they are.

5.1 Judgments do not necessarily contain a comparison, although it happens quite often. If someone says, "I'm selfish," - you can ask, "Who said that?" If he replied, "I" or some authoritative person, you can express the question: "Using a yardstick, you (he ) I decided (s) that you are selfish?

5.2 Judgments include analysis, which means the dismemberment (breaking) of the object into its component parts or properties. As well as the synthesis - the process of connecting or combining previously disparate properties or concepts in whole or kit. Synthesis is inseparable from the analysis, and they tend to be carried out simultaneously.

6. On the basis of several judgments made definite conclusion - a conclusion. Example reasoning: A man waking up in the morning, he sees a puddle in the street and came to the conclusion that there was a heavy rain the night.

6.1 Inductive reasoning - a conclusion from a single (private) to the total. From the judgment of a few isolated cases or groups of people make a general conclusion. For example, a teacher, looking annual assessment of each student's knowledge, have not seen any deuces. From these facts (special cases), it makes the overall conclusion that the whole class has time.

6.2 The reasoning, in which thought moves in the opposite direction is called deduction and conclusion - deductive. Deduction is a deduction from the special case of the general situation, the transition of thought from the general to the less general, or to a private unit. For example: in a class all pupils have time 9b. Sidorov 9b learning in the classroom, so he - achiever. Deduction allows people to anticipate the course of events, and to discover new facts on the basis of an open pattern. Underwater stones generalizations: there is a risk not see the individual trees in the forest, if different parts of the experience are mixed indiscriminately in a heap under the same name. For example, the judge of all the representatives of a certain nationality, based on the quality of individual persons. Excessive "fascinated" generalization, people will see and hear only what he expects to see and hear.

6.3 Inference by analogy - it is reasoning from the particular to the particular. SUMMARY reasoning by analogy is that based on the similarities of the two objects in some respects concludes similarity of these objects in other ways. The conclusion is that on Mars there is a life, made by analogy with the Earth Mars: Mars, like Earth - a planet surrounded by an atmosphere, has several seasons and time of day, etc. On the basis of reasoning by analogy established hypothesis...